
Morning dreams

I dreamt about my mother's funeral early this morning. I'm not quite sure what triggered it, or how it all began, but one of the few things I remember distinctly about it was that her sisters came over to pick a fight about how they were not informed about her death. I then politely mentioned that if they would like to pay their last respects in peace, then they were welcome to do so, but if they had come for a fight, they could leave because I wasnt interested in arguing or listening to excuses.

How many people will there be at the funeral?

It's an old wives' tale that morning dreams are the ones that will most probably turn out to be true events in real life, which makes me wonder whether this is going to really happen at my mother's funeral. Her passing is inevitable, as death comes to all things that live. But what will life be like once she's gone?

My heart and head predict that the family will drift apart, even more so once both my parents are gone. I dont know if I can find enough energy to care enough if the family never speaks again.

Is this wrong? Should I care more? Or should I wait to see what comes to pass before I make my decisions?

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