
Injustice in expression

Everybody's going on and on about this poor girl's answer to blogger Perez Hilton's question and its borderline ridiculous at this point.

The question posed by Hilton was that Vermont had recently legalised same sex marriages and whether other states should follow suit. Why or why not?

All Miss Carrie Prejean said was that it was great that Americans were able to choose who they'd like to marry but since she was raised to believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, thats how she thinks it should be. Ever since she uttered those words, everyone, whether in print, on television or by blogging has gone absolutely gaga over whether her answer was right or wrong or whether it cost her the Miss USA crown.

The question was one that required her to give her opinion and give it she did. So why is she being crucified for stating her beliefs? Whether you like it or not, there are always going to be people who will never understand or endorse homosexuality or lesbianism. Most say that she should've been more politically correct since a prospective Miss USA is someone who is tolerant and open to learning and all that jazz. Perhaps she could've been politically correct. It wouldnt have changed the fact that she is still opposed to gay marriage rights but perhaps she wouldnt be as harshly judged as she is now.

But then again, upon some reflection, are opinions not a primary cause of prejudice and hate? Are they not the cause of judgements and our actions? How we define ourselves and how we act towards a person or an issue is a direct result of our opinions. An opinion contains more power than we give it credit for. Opinions and beliefs have infected nations to do unjust and downright disgusting things in our past. Does no one remember Hitler or the atrocity that was the Jewish Holocaust? The things he firmly believed are the very things that almost caused the downfall of an entire race.

Now, I'm not saying that Carrie Prejean's belief is going to cause annihilation and I applaud her for standing up for herself and defending her beliefs despite criticism, but perhaps she should learn that freedom of speech should be softened with a little sensitivity. Gay people are still humans. They have feelings and wants. They have needs just like any other straight person. More importantly, they shouldnt be discriminated against simply because some do not approve of their lifestyle. They have their rights as well.

How would you feel if you were denied a basic right just because there are those who believe that its a condemnable right to be accorded since you dont follow "God's rules"? Why is it that there are rules to love? Its a hypocritical notion, especially when people talk about love being unconditional. If love is as unconditional as we claim it to be, then why is it that there are still restrictions on the type of love someone has to offer?

SO WHAT if you like a man instead of a woman? SO WHAT if you prefer a woman over a man?

Are we to deny gay people the love and happiness that comes from a union simply because their love is not what is defined as normal by biblical, religious or societal standards? Are we to denigrate a man if he prefers other men over women? I think its important to realise that spirituality and faith are far more important than following abstracts of a book that contains text written by mankind. On many occasions does the Holy Book contradict its own self. So which exactly do we follow? And what exactly do we believe since the very religious text that underlies our teachings is flawed?

And at any rate, I dont believe that the God I know is someone who would discriminate against His children just because they dont follow the standard of love as defined by man and by communities we live in.

So perhaps people need to take two steps back and look at the bigger picture before condemning someone who isnt what society calls normal. When you strip away the exterior, it all boils down to the fact that we are all the same. Perhaps if we tried harder to understand ourselves and those around us, we can help save and prevent the Jaheem Herreras' of the world.

We all feel. We all want. We all need. We all give and we all take.

Most importantly, we all have a right to love whomever we choose to love and to be loved by those who choose to love us.


deviousdiv said...

Amen sweetheart!

Perez Hilton is to be admired for his zeal, but sometimes, he does take things over the top. :)

I too believe that human beings have the right to love. And a god that prefers one type of love over another is a communist.

"All love is equal, some love is more equal than others."

Now that'll put the cat among the extreme "christian morals" preacher types. ;)


deviousdiv said...

But on that note, i still think its unfair that this woman was denied the crown because she said this is what "She believed in".

She never imposed her beliefs on anyone. I can't say the same about P.Hilton.


Oh well...


PS: Why change your name from Butternutsquashprincess? I thought it was cool! :) So... is Hazel your actual name? My own blog identity is an alliteration of my own name-Div.